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"A terrific blend of power and ambience, Soft Crash is a strong album that -- despite the above comparisons -- lies just beyond most easy landmarks. Each song hits a wide variety of touchpoints and times, such that the album feels like it could have been made 30 years ago. In that sense, it’s somewhat out of time.
It’s early in the year, but I’ll be very surprised at the end of it if Soft Crash isn’t near the top of my most-played albums of 2010."

- Dusted

"With two LPs and scattered singles of sparse, semi-creepy basement-bred pop, Orland, Calif.'s Nothing People tap into a new, more anxious vein on their latest single. Something's different here, but it's hard to pick out what: Maybe it's the way the vocals come barking through layers of delay, or maybe it's the squeals of feedback layered beneath the laid-back, almost glammy groove at the heart of the track, but all these elements congeal into something that feels insistent and surging despite its relatively languid tempo. Even as the vocals get more frantic and the guitars start to spill over from one-note insinuations to daggers of distortion, it still feels like the real storm has yet to come. You hear a shouted "Look what I've done," and you believe it's probably something serious-- it hits the right, ominous notes, but "Enemy With an Invitation" gets its tension from holding back."

- Pitchfork